Friday 29 November 2013

Some Useful Guidelines to Work on mTurk to Make More Money

1. You can become eligible for more HITs if you pass the qualification tests and that you can check at qualification tests tab.

2. If you have just started mTurk, you can start with easiest HITs even if they pay less because it increases your approval rate.
If your approval rate is high, more and more HITs will be available to you because many of the requester keeps most of the high paid tasks to the workers with high approval rate.

3. You need to be certain that you click on show all details when you think to work on HITs so that you can check all the crucial necessities and qualification of the HITs

4. It's the good idea to use multi tab browser like Chrome or Firefox so that you can open so that you can open number of different HITs in different windows. You can check multiple things at multiple tabs like in one of the tab you can check HITs with the highest commission, on one with most available likewise as per your comfort and preference. Refresh every 1-2 minutes to check for the newest HITs and click fast to accept the best one available.

5. You can check which HITs pay more and try to do more and more that HIT only like Transcribing audio or write an article types of HITs or many other. If you can not complete these tasks, try to analyze these HITs on regular basis and soon you will be able to complete them and you acquire the skill to work on those.
Many of the workers always sits to check for new HITs available. So always keep a watch and use the fast broadband connection so that if there is any HIT available and if many of the worker attempts to accept the HIT, the HIT go to the worker with fastest speed.

6. If a HIT does not approve, you can always contact the requester, sometime it works and requester can approve many of the HITs. Send emails to requester on regular basis to make good relation with them. If you have a good history of working with a particular requester and have good relation with them, in future he can send many HITs directly to you.

7. There are number of mTurk forums which you can join and share the ideas to gain more. Just search in Google with the keyword "mTurk forum" and be an active member there so that you can get more useful tips.

You can always find some of the trusted part time jobs on our website where you can make some decent money working in your part time. Online jobs are really the best way to make some extra income from home

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