Friday 29 November 2013

Link Popularity - How to Generate High Value Links Using Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk or MTurk is a marketplace where you can either participate and complete tasks, which you are paid for or have workers complete tasks for you. On MTurk tasks are referred to as human intelligence tasks or HITs and have the capacity to greatly increase the link popularity of your website by attracting a huge amount of high-quality and high value inbound links.

So, how exactly is this done? Just go to the site and you will quickly receive an overview asking whether you want to make money by working on HITs or get results by using MTurk workers. You basically have access to thousands of people around the world on demand 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And best of all, you can have your HITs completed in a matter of minutes.

The nice thing about using this to have people complete your tasks is that you actually do not pay until you are satisfied with the results you receive.

As long as you have an account on you do not need to create another account. You simply go to the website and click on to get started button. You will then be prompted to fund your account, load your tasks, then sit back with a cool drink and get results.

So, what can you use this service for to get results?

Do you want to have one of your videos that you posted on YouTube become one of the most viewed videos? How about having an abundance of reviews on a book or product you sell on These are all tasks you can have performed for pennies.

How about having people submit links to your blog posts or website to social networking and bookmarking sites using services like HootSuite?

What will that do for your business?

If you have a couple hundred people do this each of them will return 30 to 50 high value inbound links to you, which will greatly raise your link popularity on the search engines. Compound those efforts by the couple hundred people performing this and that will return to you between 6000 and 10,000 high quality inbound links.

The more links you have coming into your site the farther up the ranks you will go on search results when people conduct searches using your keywords or phrases. You can quickly see how powerful of a tool this is to attract customers and subscribers to your website.

If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about link building and inbound marketing.

Want to discover more Inbound marketing strategies?

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Dr. Dave Hale, The Internet Marketing Professor, is one of the country's leading developers of Internet marketing and social media curriculum for businesses and universities and specializes in online marketing communications

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