Friday 29 November 2013

Earn Dollars With Google AdSense

 If you want to increase your business earnings yet you do not want to be too pressured handling a new business that venture into a new industry, then trying Google AdSense is a good option for you.

Google AdSense is a collection of links which may be posted on different sides of your website. It offers various products and services such as online games, internet products and more. When someone visits your site and clicks the advertisement, then you will earn some dollars from it.

You have to take note that before settling for Google AdSense, your website needs to have a decent page rank. Increased traffic will help you in having higher chances in this strategy especially if the advertisement is appealing to your website's visitors.

Passive income is what most website owners like, especially that investing some dollars will never be required. Your Google AdSense will start to skyrocket only if you know how to do well. Unfortunately, it may not be the answer to your prayers, especially if you want to become a millionaire through your website. It may be possible to earn a lot only if you will drive excessively. So as to make it plausible and if you want to be able to do well on this aspect, then you have to work on various internet marketing strategies. Here are some free strategies you might like to look at:

1. Write articles in various Web 2.0 sites.
2. Exert some time doing blog and forum commenting which are on the same niche as yours.
3. Partnered blog. Seek for a blogger who would be interested in mentioning your website.
4. Video marketing using various platforms such as social media sites and YouTube.
5. Social media marketing. These are free sites and are widely used by many individuals. Because of that, it can be used for marketing your website. People who are interested of your chosen niche will definitely click your website.

What Should Not Be Done

Google is very strict when it comes to Google AdSense. You have to make sure that you follow these guidelines:
1. You are not allowed to click your own ad.
2. You must not ask people to click the ad. Something like "Hey, could you do me a favor? I need you to click this link: blah... blah... blah... "
3. Be careful in placing your ads. Some website owners place this advertisement in areas where people may click them accidentally. Do not do that.
4. Promote your website well. If you will ask a company, make sure that they will follow Google's guidelines to proper promotion.
5. Make use of Google Analytics.
6. Ads may not be placed on websites which are prohibited by Google such as porn sites.
7. Do not tamper the codes provided by Google.
8. Avoid pop-ups which have no relevance to your niche.
9. Respect Google's trademarks.
10. Be responsive whenever Google needs to contact you, in case your Google AdSense experienced a problem.

Once you have finally ensured regular visitors, then more people will be able to see the Google AdSense you are trying to work on. You do not need to spend lots of dollars in order for you to be able to increase the amount of traffic your website is receiving. And basically, if you will only rely on Google AdSense, spending money for your internet marketing strategies should never be an option.
But if it will serve as an additional earning apart from your online business, then this should not be set aside. The money you will be earning from it is still decent enough and it requires no investment. Good luck on your Google AdSense.

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The Anatomy Of A Pay Per Click Ad

When doing Pay Per Click advertising, a big challenge is fitting in all of the messages an advertiser wants to convey into the very limited space made available by the search engines. However, by looking at each section in a little more depth, marketers can fine tune their approach and look at ad copy writing as filling out a formula for effective advertising.

The first part of the ad is the headline. The main purpose of the headline is to bring focus to the ad itself. After all, if no one takes a look at the headline, they will likely not read any further. Google places keywords that match between the search query and ad copy in bold, so this is one way to bring out the ad's message, although more creative copy can also be effective even if it is not bolded.

The next part of the ad is the first line of the description. This can be longer than the headline, and its purpose is to start focusing on features, benefits, and the unique selling proposition of the company or products/service itself. It should give the searcher a reason to keep reading the ad. Adding punctuation at the end of the first line will make it stand out more if it is in the first one or two places of the sponsored search results.

The third part of the ad is the second line of description. This section should mainly focus on the call to action after the benefit message is given in the first line. Using an exclamation point is typically a good idea, as the main goal is to convince the searcher to click on the ad if they find its message relevant to their search.

Finally, the display URL must be included with every ad that is displayed. However, the display URL does not have to be the exact landing page URL that is on the website. The root domain must be the same, but the landing page does not have to match the displayed URL exactly. Thus, it is vital to think of this as an opportunity to reinforce the marketing message, rather than simply conveying information about the website itself.

There are a number of different ad copy formulas that can be followed for effective marketing messages. A couple are listed here below.

Engaging Headline > Feature > Benefit > Display URL

Engaging Headline > Benefit > Call to Action > Display URL

Engaging Headline > Unique Selling Proposition > Call to Action > Display URL

One final point is that it is often enlightening to use this paradigm to analyze competitors' advertisements and break them down into their component parts. Many times, marketers focus simply on features and calls to action, while leaving out an effective headline and not using the display URL to its maximum potential.

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How to Create and Put Ads in Sidebars

To earn an income from your website you need to either be a vendor selling goods or become an affiliate selling vendor ads and earning a commission from their sales. It is best to start by placing affiliate ads on your site.

Creating and Advertisement

First create your ad (advertisement) - whether it be AdSense, Clickbank, Amazon, or any other making sure you are using the correct size ads.

To put an advertiser's ad on your site, you first need to join the particular company that is the agent for the vendor or affiliate.

Google AdSense

This is the advertising that most people start with. Go on the Google AdSense site and fill out the easy application form. This usually takes 2 or 3 days to get approval. Once approved you log in to their site with the log in details you supplied on the application. You will find there are many recommended sizes to choose from, both horizontal and vertical. There is also a choice of whether to have text only, a mixture of text and image ads or image ads only. Experiment with these to see what gives you the best results. You can use their default color scheme of blue and green or customise the colors to match your website. Once you have finished customizing press on get code. Copy this code and put into the text box in the sidebar as explained below.


After joining Clickbank, you can go into their Market Place and find ads suitable for your site. Once you have found an affiliate you would like, you will see many have their own ads already made, ready for you to copy and put into your sidebar widget.


Amazon is easy to join and has many variations of ads including slide shows. You will find their instructions are very easy to follow with great ads.

Placing Ads in Sidebars

To begin with, before you get hang of judging widths of sidebars, try putting a 120x600 in the sidebar and once it shows, you will soon see whether the advertisement is the correct size or too narrow You may need 160 size or on wider sidebars often 200 or 250 width is fine and all these sizes are usually available in AdSense and other affiliates ads. You will find after doing it for a while you will soon be able to have an educated guess on the size.

Once you have created the ad, go to the available widgets in the widget section and move a text box over to where you want it to show in the sidebar. You will be able to move the text box up or down until you get your desired position A new text box will appear in available widgets for you to use if more are required.

Enjoy experimenting with your ads and you have the option of changing them at any time.

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Best Methods of Earning With AdSense

When it comes to monetizing your online site, whether it is a storefront or blog, you have to know what is out there and available to you; one of the best ways to monetize today is through the use of ads on your site. You can go about earning with AdSense either through CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions); this is based on the traffic on your site, the type of site, and the type of AdSense account that you have set up. With CPM you are going to earn each time an ad appears to a user that is on your site; therefore, if it is a very high traffic site, this might be a better option for you. With CPC, you are going to earn each time a user on your site actually clicks an ad. So, which method earns you more on your site?

If you are using ads that are closely related to your site, then CPC might be the way to go. If the ads are relevant and pertinent to those who visit your site, the likelihood of them clicking on the ad is more so than not. So, if the ads are closely related to your product lines, or similar in the nature of complimentary product lines, then CPC is a great option for you to go with, when you are deciding on layout, content, and the ads that you are going to be using with AdSense, to earn more money on your site or blog.

If you simply want to place any ad on your site, and have a highly visited site or blog, CPM is a choice to consider. Since you are paid simply for a visitor looking at the ad on your site, you will earn more through this method. The earnings per ad, and the type of ad, are based on a number of factors, so you do have to know what the best options for monetizing your site are, prior to choosing which method is the right one for your site. Highly visited sites may bode well with CPM, simply because there is so much traffic to the site, and visitors do not actually have to click on and open the ad, in order for the site operator to be able to earn something for having the ad on their site or homepage of it.

There are many ways to earn online, these are the simple earning with AdSense methods to consider when you are operating a site. If you are accepted as an AdSense site, it is basically a way to make more money, without having to do any of the work. Simply by having the ads on your site, you are going to earn. So, if you want a sure fire way to make more money on your site, without having to do any of the work yourself, AdSense, and the right ads on your site, are a simple solution to higher earning potential on your site.

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Learning How to Make Money Off a Blog Using an Article Resource Box

Earning online is quite a difficult feat. There are several opportunities presented to aspiring business owners that keeping a venture to run is sure to expose them to a tough competition within any industry. This is why marketing strategies are a must. Promoting a brand or a product seems easy but every move has an effect on the business so the campaigns must be well thought of. With the abundance of available marketing strategies in the Web right now, the choices are one too many.

Truly, the strategies on how to make money off a blog are varied and very promising. Mostly, though, they relate to the use of a website that is the primary tool used in operating an online business. Some of the tools, like the article resource box, are just to enhance the performance of the website. But knowing what these tools are for will still help in ensuring the maximum success of an online marketing strategy.

What is an article resource box?

An article resource box is the small space right after a website or blog post. It is small enough not to eat up the entire space of the article or blog post. But, it is already spacious for the important contents that are put in it. Usually, this contains a brief description of who created the article. The description may include the name, age, and location of the writer. Aside from that, the professional and even educational background of the writer is included.

Backlinks can also be placed in an article resource box. These are links that, when clicked through, will take the readers to a website specified by the writer. Often, the link transports to the home page of the writer's website. Or, if the article is actually about the benefits of a product that a business sells, the backlink connects to the website of the online venture.

Who can use the article resource box?

This, generally, is used by almost anybody learning how to make money off a blog. On top of them are owners of websites used for online businesses. They utilize the this to let their readers, who also are the potential clients of the business, know the name and nature of the venture. This also serves as direct link to the business website should readers want to know more about the products and their benefits.

The article resource box is also used by guest bloggers. They submit content as well as a self-description to other blogs. This is typically done to enable a business to reach out to market segments that its other promotional campaigns cannot touch. People who submit their content to article directories are avid users of the resource box as well. They trust this to be their link from the article directory back to the website.

What are the benefits of using an article resource box?

Using an article resource box has a lot of benefits. Mainly, these include an increase in brand awareness because of the use of the backlinks. That is not to mention the increase in website traffic, which is very possible if the readers click on the links in the article resource box. But best of all the benefits of an article resource box is that it promotes trust on the brand. People will trust more if they have an idea as to who they are talking with. They will also feel the transparency and honesty of the writer and, consequently, of the business. This is great for the business because it entails an increase in the number of clients that a venture can attract.

At the end of the day, learning how to make money off a blog does not simply mean one has to secure a working URL and create blog posts. There are a lot of other tools and strategies, like the article resource box, that may and should be used to enhance the performance of the online business. It may be learned in due time but it cannot just be ignored because it has a good enough effect on the business that can lead to a huge success.

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Online Startup Business: 3 Step Plan to Learn Prospect Mindreading (Yes, It's Legal!)

In one of my previous articles I explained what kind of things you should find out about your competition and now it's time to dig into the minds of your prospect. Here is my 3 Step Plan to do that the easy way.

Doing research isn't sexy and it definitely isn't always fun, either, but it's absolutely crucial for a small business in order to increase profits while decreasing the work.

Step 1: Determine who your prospect is

Be very precise with details: man or woman (let's pretend you choose to speak to a woman)? How old? Where does she live - small town, big town, countryside, abroad? House or apartment? What size is her family? What is she interested in? What kind of movies does she watch? What's her favourite TV-show? What about her favourite band? What kind of books does she read? Does she have hobbies? Does she vote? What is her income level? What about her education?

The more you know about her, the easier it gets to speak straight to her, using the language she understands and resonates with. By choosing your wording carefully, you can leave her with an impression that you are almost like reading her mind.

Just keep in mind you're looking for a person with a problem she already knows she has, and which you can solve.

Step 2: Find this woman and swipe her words

Maybe you know her from social gatherings; she's a member of the same gym as you and you have talked with her in the locker room. What did she say?

Or she may have a blog, or you find her from forums or elsewhere in social media.

When she is describing this problem, what wording does she use?

Step 3: Reaffirm your findings

Now you go back to what you found while researching your competitors, and pick the ones who seem to be talking to this same woman, and also appear to have made it big. They have very likely invested a lot of money on doing the research for you, to figure out the language that speaks to this particular group of people, so you don't have to.

Subscribe to their list, study their website and jot down what kind of power words are they using and how do they construct their offerings. Do not try to copy them word by word, just pick up the ideas. Remember that you want to incorporate these findings with your own personal story.

Are you just starting out with an online business and could use more practical advise?

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Learning How to Make Money Off a Blog Using an Article Resource Box

Earning online is quite a difficult feat. There are several opportunities presented to aspiring business owners that keeping a venture to run is sure to expose them to a tough competition within any industry. This is why marketing strategies are a must. Promoting a brand or a product seems easy but every move has an effect on the business so the campaigns must be well thought of. With the abundance of available marketing strategies in the Web right now, the choices are one too many.

Truly, the strategies on how to make money off a blog are varied and very promising. Mostly, though, they relate to the use of a website that is the primary tool used in operating an online business. Some of the tools, like the article resource box, are just to enhance the performance of the website. But knowing what these tools are for will still help in ensuring the maximum success of an online marketing strategy.

What is an article resource box?

An article resource box is the small space right after a website or blog post. It is small enough not to eat up the entire space of the article or blog post. But, it is already spacious for the important contents that are put in it. Usually, this contains a brief description of who created the article. The description may include the name, age, and location of the writer. Aside from that, the professional and even educational background of the writer is included.

Backlinks can also be placed in an article resource box. These are links that, when clicked through, will take the readers to a website specified by the writer. Often, the link transports to the home page of the writer's website. Or, if the article is actually about the benefits of a product that a business sells, the backlink connects to the website of the online venture.

Who can use the article resource box?

This, generally, is used by almost anybody learning how to make money off a blog. On top of them are owners of websites used for online businesses. They utilize the this to let their readers, who also are the potential clients of the business, know the name and nature of the venture. This also serves as direct link to the business website should readers want to know more about the products and their benefits.

The article resource box is also used by guest bloggers. They submit content as well as a self-description to other blogs. This is typically done to enable a business to reach out to market segments that its other promotional campaigns cannot touch. People who submit their content to article directories are avid users of the resource box as well. They trust this to be their link from the article directory back to the website.

What are the benefits of using an article resource box?

Using an article resource box has a lot of benefits. Mainly, these include an increase in brand awareness because of the use of the backlinks. That is not to mention the increase in website traffic, which is very possible if the readers click on the links in the article resource box. But best of all the benefits of an article resource box is that it promotes trust on the brand. People will trust more if they have an idea as to who they are talking with. They will also feel the transparency and honesty of the writer and, consequently, of the business. This is great for the business because it entails an increase in the number of clients that a venture can attract.

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How Can Teachers Make Extra Money?

Many teachers (or any professional for that matter) struggle to make ends meet. While some prefer to live below their means, others choose to create multiple streams of income. The advantage of choosing the latter is that you'll have more resources to sustain your whims, travels, and other pleasures without having to scrimp or sacrifice anything.

But while you can always take a part-time job at a brick-and-mortar store, you might want to consider online sources. Over the past few years, the Internet has given tons of earning and job opportunities for everyone, so you'll be surprised at how convenient and easy it is to find one that suits your skills.

Here are four proven ways on how teachers can make extra money online.

1. Offer your part-time teaching or tutorial services online.

The Internet has revolutionized the way we interact with one another in a way we never imagined. In the past, the main correspondence method was through the post office, but today, there's electronic mail. And thanks to free messaging applications like Skype and Yahoo! Messenger, you can offer your teaching services to anyone around the world.

One of the most common and probably the most profitable online classes offered is English online classes. As what the name tries to imply, these classes are offered to students who want to learn the English language. Others think that the market for this venture is already saturated, but in actuality, there is a wide and untapped market eager to study with you.

As a matter of fact, parents from South Asia (i.e., South Korea, Japan, and China) are willing to shell out thousands of dollars everyone to invest in their children's education. So if you are a native speaker of the English language, jump in the bandwagon and see how profitable this can be.

Aside from offering English classes, you can also offer tutorials to help students with their academic courses such as Mathematics and Science. All you have to do is to advertise your services at a reputable ESL board.

2. Be an online writer.

There are different types of online writers. Some call themselves copywriters, while some prefer content writers. Others call themselves article writers, while some call themselves bloggers, ghostbloggers, or even ebook writers.

But whatever you want to call yourself, the goal of online writing is to publish a piece of writing online -- in blogs, personal sites, article directories, and many other platforms. So if you love writing, you might want to consider this as a part-time job.

One of the advantages of being an online writer is time flexibility. You can choose your own deadline, and you can choose which topics you want to write about. So if you want minimal research and effort, you can choose to write about your expertise.

You can find great writing opportunities in sites such as oDesk, eLance, Fiverr, and GhostBlogger.

3. Be an affiliate marketer.

Affiliate marketing (or sometimes used interchangeably with internet marketing) is the process of promoting one's product in exchange for a commission. If you close a successful sale, you get a commission which is based on an advertising fee that can go as high as 75% of the product's value.

A lot of people are afraid to go into affiliate marketing because it involves sales. But the beauty of this venture is that you can promote affiliate products in different ways that do not involve "talking" and dropping those awkward sales pitches. As a matter of fact, you can use social networking sites such as Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter to promote your chosen products. You can tweet your affiliate link, you can make a review of a product you use and post it on Facebook, or you can post pictures of the product on Pinterest.

4. Create and sell digital or physical goods online.

Another option is to either create a product which you can sell online, or sell a pre-loved item that you have in your house. As you know, there are many newbie teachers who are struggling to create lessons and teaching materials, so if you want extra cash, create a material and advertise it on a site.

Or you can look around your house for an old collection that you're willing to sell on eBay. You'll be surprised to know that there are people who are willing to buy an old CD of Britney Spears on eBay.

These are surely great suggestions to earn more cash. But to get started earning online, it's important that you have the following: Paypal account, a stable Internet connection, a laptop, and tons of patience and determination.

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Link Popularity - How to Generate High Value Links Using Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk or MTurk is a marketplace where you can either participate and complete tasks, which you are paid for or have workers complete tasks for you. On MTurk tasks are referred to as human intelligence tasks or HITs and have the capacity to greatly increase the link popularity of your website by attracting a huge amount of high-quality and high value inbound links.

So, how exactly is this done? Just go to the site and you will quickly receive an overview asking whether you want to make money by working on HITs or get results by using MTurk workers. You basically have access to thousands of people around the world on demand 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And best of all, you can have your HITs completed in a matter of minutes.

The nice thing about using this to have people complete your tasks is that you actually do not pay until you are satisfied with the results you receive.

As long as you have an account on you do not need to create another account. You simply go to the website and click on to get started button. You will then be prompted to fund your account, load your tasks, then sit back with a cool drink and get results.

So, what can you use this service for to get results?

Do you want to have one of your videos that you posted on YouTube become one of the most viewed videos? How about having an abundance of reviews on a book or product you sell on These are all tasks you can have performed for pennies.

How about having people submit links to your blog posts or website to social networking and bookmarking sites using services like HootSuite?

What will that do for your business?

If you have a couple hundred people do this each of them will return 30 to 50 high value inbound links to you, which will greatly raise your link popularity on the search engines. Compound those efforts by the couple hundred people performing this and that will return to you between 6000 and 10,000 high quality inbound links.

The more links you have coming into your site the farther up the ranks you will go on search results when people conduct searches using your keywords or phrases. You can quickly see how powerful of a tool this is to attract customers and subscribers to your website.

If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about link building and inbound marketing.

Want to discover more Inbound marketing strategies?

Go here to download your FREE report that reveals how you can generate more traffic than you thought possible per month at no cost! Get The Habits of Internet Marketing Gurus:

Dr. Dave Hale, The Internet Marketing Professor, is one of the country's leading developers of Internet marketing and social media curriculum for businesses and universities and specializes in online marketing communications

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How to Make Cash Online With MTurk

Mturk, or Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a great way to make some extra money in your free time while on the internet. You can have some simple tasks done for you, as well as you can do simple online tasks for others on Mturk and make money. You can then transfer your money to your bank account, or turn it into an Amazon gift card.

Simple tasks that cannot be done by an automated computer are listed as tasks on Mturk. These tasks range in price from one cent to about five dollars, depending on the approximate amount of time it will take you complete. You can browse these tasks to find one that you would enjoy doing and sign up and start working.

The best part about Mturk is that you do not have to pay anything to start working for them and doing tasks, and you can make cash right away. This is a great way to make a quick buck or two, with doing very simple and mindless tasks for them.

Some of the various tasks that you will do on Mturk would be rating and giving your opinion, as well as finding the appropriate product on Amazon's website for the description. If you have a love for the internet, or even internet shopping, this is a great way to have fun while you make cash online.

Some of the tasks that you can do on Mturk require you to take a test before accepting them because they want to know that you have the capabilities and skills to complete them, but they typically take a couple of minutes to complete. But, there are a lot of other tasks that do not require any tests before completing them.

A great way to make some real money on Mturk is to answer trivia and internet shopping questions. They typically have a lot of them to work on, and you will get bonuses when you complete a lot of them. It pays to do quality work on Mturk because most tasks will reward you for a job that is well done.

Mturk is a great way to make quick cash online, while having fun doing so. If you have been looking for a way on the internet to make money fast, this is the place to go. There is such a variety of tasks that you can do here that there is something for everyone, as well as there is plenty of work to go around to the members they have.

Sick and tired of being flat broke month after month? Visit my site at [] and discover how to get a hold of emergency funds right now from the comfort of your home quickly and easily and it's perfectly legal. Get started on your way to financial freedom TODAY!

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Some Useful Guidelines to Work on mTurk to Make More Money

1. You can become eligible for more HITs if you pass the qualification tests and that you can check at qualification tests tab.

2. If you have just started mTurk, you can start with easiest HITs even if they pay less because it increases your approval rate.
If your approval rate is high, more and more HITs will be available to you because many of the requester keeps most of the high paid tasks to the workers with high approval rate.

3. You need to be certain that you click on show all details when you think to work on HITs so that you can check all the crucial necessities and qualification of the HITs

4. It's the good idea to use multi tab browser like Chrome or Firefox so that you can open so that you can open number of different HITs in different windows. You can check multiple things at multiple tabs like in one of the tab you can check HITs with the highest commission, on one with most available likewise as per your comfort and preference. Refresh every 1-2 minutes to check for the newest HITs and click fast to accept the best one available.

5. You can check which HITs pay more and try to do more and more that HIT only like Transcribing audio or write an article types of HITs or many other. If you can not complete these tasks, try to analyze these HITs on regular basis and soon you will be able to complete them and you acquire the skill to work on those.
Many of the workers always sits to check for new HITs available. So always keep a watch and use the fast broadband connection so that if there is any HIT available and if many of the worker attempts to accept the HIT, the HIT go to the worker with fastest speed.

6. If a HIT does not approve, you can always contact the requester, sometime it works and requester can approve many of the HITs. Send emails to requester on regular basis to make good relation with them. If you have a good history of working with a particular requester and have good relation with them, in future he can send many HITs directly to you.

7. There are number of mTurk forums which you can join and share the ideas to gain more. Just search in Google with the keyword "mTurk forum" and be an active member there so that you can get more useful tips.

You can always find some of the trusted part time jobs on our website where you can make some decent money working in your part time. Online jobs are really the best way to make some extra income from home

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Alternative adsense

Eleavers  is   a best contextual advertising network based on content targeting ads. Their Publishers Program is an easy way for webmasters, website owners and bloggers of all sizes to earn money by displaying related ads on their websites / blogs. pays you for all valid clicks and impressions on the ads on your site. You simply paste an HTML code into your web pages and ads will instantly start appearing.

Advertisers will bid against each other for your ad space and their ads serving system will always display the highest bidders ads, those that will generate the maximum revenue for your advertising space.

CPC or PPC rates for displayed ads.

On time payment

Nice support

$10 payment threshold

Ads can work together with Google ads


Custom Search