Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Medical Field Uses Imagine Sharing Technology

When people go to the doctor, they have to go through medical tests sometimes like x-rays and scans with machines called cat scans or MRIs. However, most of the time, patients never get to see the pictures of their own body. The lack of patients seeing their own pictures is changing now for the better. There are many different ways that technology can help the medical field, and the ability to do an instant image share is actually benefiting the way that information is passed between doctors and patients.
Benefits of Instant Image Sharing For Both Patients and Doctors
Medical records, pictures, and tests, may seem like another language to some patients, but to others it is genuinely interesting. People who have a lot of medical tests, can become curious as to what their insides look like, and with instant image share, people can see what certain parts of their body look like. Here is more information on the other benefits of doctors sharing medical images with their patients:
• Doctors and patients can communicate more effectively: Sometimes when people go to the doctor, the medical jargon can be hard to understand, and that means that patient do not understand what the doctor is talking about. With instant image share, doctors can show patients exactly what they are referring to, and that will mean that every visit with doctors will be a lot better because patients will be able to physically see what the doctors are referring to.
• Imagines can be seen shortly after they are taken: Back in the olden days, an x-ray took hours to develop, but with the newest technology, x-rays and scans can be ready to view in only a few minutes.
• Video conferencing with specialists is possible: When there is a problem with people's bodies, they sometimes have to go to see more than one doctor. However, with image sharing, people do not have to go through the hassle of carrying their own records or having to repeat the same story over and over again with a new doctor because there can be a conference call that can involve a patient, their regular doctor, and a specialist all at the same time. By having all medical experts and patients in the same room, treatment options can be discussed, which is going to save everyone a lot of time and effort because no one will have to run around town trying to deal with many doctors.
• Patients only need to take images once: Sometimes patients have to go through different medical tests every time they see a new doctor, which will mean multiple x-rays, or scans. However, with image sharing, people can only do tests one time, and then the image can be file shared and sent to email to any medical professional that it needs to go to.
Technology is changing every part of the world even the medical field. One big benefit of it is called instant image share, and with it, patient medical tests like x-rays and scans, can be seen by patients, doctors, specialists, and anyone else that has to see them, which will save people a lot of time and medical treatment can be agreed upon and started right away.

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