Sunday 21 August 2011

Make money online by reading and rating articles

 You can make money online by reading and rating articles. Give 2 minutes to read articles and rate it. You can rate from 1 to 5 stars. If you liked the article you can click first star, if you disliked the article you can click 5 star. You will get $0.05 to $0.15 per reading and rating articles. As far as it reaches to $50 you will be get paid by checks.
readbud, make money online by reading and rating articles

Get Free Back links

If you want to increase your website's page rank or increase the number of visitors, you should get the back links from others websites. You can get backlinks either paid or free by posting your websites links to comment box or forums of others websites. So backlinks are very important for any websites to prosper. It is hard as well as time consuming but your website never get enough traffic without backlinks. And a website has no meaning without traffic. I have collection of websites from where you can get backlinks for free. This websites i used during the period of promoting my website and got back links from them.
They are as follows: - after 15 posts and more only 5 posts

Free calls to 40 countries, including aus, tested 100% works

FreeCall | The cheapest freecalls on the planet!,Free calls, cheap internet calls, free internet calls, voip calls, free phone calls, free calls worldwide, cheap rates, Freecall gets you the cheapest international calls of the internet !
                  Have your ever tried free phone calls from computers to landlines or mobiles phone. if you haven't then here you have an opportunity. Try tuitalk. It works 100% for 40 countries. This is a free Internet phone software which you can download from it's website I have tried this twice for Australia land lines it works perfectly. But it does not work for mobile phone in Australia. You will get 6 minutes per day to talk with anyone in landlines. First you have to download software then create an id and password then log in, a small ad comes then you can start calling. 

Note: Be sure whatever the informations kept in this website are all 100% working.


2. Download the software at desktop and double click on tuitalk
click over the image to enlarge

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7. You have to create id and password. click "not a member yet"
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8. fill the informations and click submit or sign up
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9. click submit
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12. click the link to activate
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13. put new password and click submit
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14. Now your account is activated
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15. put email and password and click sign in
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16. put the phone numbers and press dial  symbol then ad comes for a while then only dialing starts
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17. Now ready to receive the call. Start saving money, do free calls to 40 countries free.
click over the image to enlarge

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First click here to know that your country is listed for this free service or not.

click here to download the software

Making Money Online Tips

1.  Never thing that you got nothing or lost your time.
2. The best and the worst logics of web are to expect less and try to learn more.
3. We can be paid once, twice but there is no guarantee it will be pay us till life time except few.
4. We should read updated blogs, forums, others experiences and proof of payments.
5. Nobody can make money from the web permanently staying on the same place.
6. Small companies will pay us but they cannot pay us forever. They are just the steps to get the experiences and to reach the permanent companies like Google, Yahoo, and E-bay etc.
7. Never follow the big money. They are usually fake and fraud.
8. Making money online cannot exist without traffic or SEO skills.
9. Never try to depend on online jobs from the beginning.

10. Online income is just an extra income.
11. Nobody can make money online immediately without taking at least 1 year.
12. A website is like a small seed. It takes time to grow. Keep patience and let it grow.
13. There are no extraordinary techniques to bring your website on the 1st rank immediately. Keep on updating for some years then it will get its own rank.
14. Web is the web of frauds and cheaters. Always read the blogs and forums. They usually teach
us truth because they will also earn by referring us.  (Usually for PTC paid to click websites) If
not nobody share their experiences.

15. You must try on paid host to know differences between paid and unpaid host.
16. After some years you will be hired by the offices.  Your every second will be counted.
17. Money never comes from the computer's screen. You should have a paypal account or alerpay account or liberty Reserve account to collect and receive money. They are trustworthy and accepted by banks.

Online jobs: make money online by uploading files

   You can make money online by uploading images, videos, audios and documents. You will get paid every time somebody downloads your file. So if you want to make good money the file should be good, attractive and informative. You can even share the uploaded links to many and make money online. They pay us via checks or paypal or liberty reserve.
     Why do they pay us?
      They pay us because they take us a marketing tools. We will try to send uploaded links to many so we can from each downloads. This will promote their website. When it will get the huge publicity they will make money by selling the space for the advertisers. They pay us in cents per downloads and they make money millions by single ads because of the Hugh publicity. 


make money online by uploading files

1. You can upload images, documents, videos and audios in this website. 

2. Then you will get the URL of the uploaded file. 

3. You can distribute the link to your friends, families or anybody. 

4. Whenever they downloads, the balance will be credited in your account. 

5. The job is easy. So many people participates so never expect high because the cost will be high when they distribute even below $1 to millions.

6. But if you uploaded good file which is attractive, informative, funny then many people could download. 

7. So you don't need to do hard work. By this method, you can generate money automatically if the file is interesting.

Sign up now click here 


sharecash the best make money online part time jobs

1. You can upload any files such as audio, videos, images and documents.

2. You will earn more than other websites.

3. Your balance will be credited every time somebody downloads your file.

4. You will get $0.40 for every downloads (For UK, AUS, Canada and USA).

5. You will get $0.25 for every downloads (For remaining countries).

6. You cannot upload any sex or violence related files.

7. You will get paid via checks, paypal, alertpay and wire transfer.

8. For every user you refer, you get 10% of their monthly earnings.

Sign up now click here 


uploading make money online jobs online

1. you can earn money from this website by uploading any files format.

2.  Downloads are counted from the following countries only:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.

3. The minimum payout amount is $15.

4. You will be paid via Paxum, AlertPay, PayPal and Webmoney.

5.  All payout requests are processed within 7 days.

6. you will get 20% of the amount earned by your referrals.

7.  Pay rates: 

try make money online payrates
 Sign up Now click here

Online jobs: Skill full jobs for skilled full jobless people

               If you can't find any jobs in your country. No problem.
          If there is heavy corruption and nepotism. No problem.
          If you have skills and no place to show. No problem.
          If you are wasting time on chatting or face book. Very big problem
          If you financial condition is getting bad being jobless. No problem     

All you need,

A computer, INTERNET and trusted websites

(be sure any of the trusted websites never ever ask you for registration fee. And that is not job which comes by pay. Job means we show our skill and they should pay. Never follow opposite way. Always your skill first and their pay. Thats positive. Never do: First pay and get Job. thats opposite)

     You can make money online by freelancing. This is one of the best and reliable method of earning making money online. You can expect higher payments from $50 to $1,00,000. But you need to have good qualification. There are many qualified jobless people. Freelancing is best the best and trustworthy platform for making money online. Most of the qualified and talented people are staying at home because they don't have jobs specially in developing countries. Now this is the best solution for them. People are suffering having enough skills because of  heavy corruptions, nepotism and favoritism. Now we don't need to worry. There is plenty of jobs online. Just you need to show your skills. Besides freelancing jobs are usually true, high pay rate and always demanding because only qualified people can do it. So employee will be less and the employer don't have to distribute the money to many. The job which is easy will have too many employees. If the employer distribute just $1 also it will be very costly.  On freelancing job the employee can expect too much money and charge high too. But we should expect too less in ordinary jobs which anybody can do because ordinary jobs cost is too high, the employer have to distribute to millions. 

  You can find any type of jobs under one roof of a websites such as software programming and developing, graphic designing, webpage designing, accounting, data entry, legal, software analysis, bookkeeping, ecommerce, web research, seo, email marketing, mobile application, logo designing, for engineers building, bridge designing,  etc. The earning depends upon your skill, length of time. 

The most trusted freelancing websites

 Odesk does not provides us job but it works as a bridge between employer and employee. Employers from all over the world submit their jobs in contract basis and if somebody likes you they can really hire you forever too. Beside if some company really satisfied with your job or found that you are creative they can call you in their country by providing every infrastructure too. Because companies are wealthy, they have high affordable capacity. And you can get standard jobs on odesk. If you don't have skills and qualification , it's better not to join. So odesk is one trustworthy platform. Odesk does not takes any charges or registration fees for any employee. They charges some percentage after you earn money. Now you don't need to sad that you don't have any jobs having enough skills.

1. Elance is same  odesk. 
2. It is another website which provides variety of standard jobs under one roof .
3. No registration fees
4. Work on contract basis
5. Put you profile cover letter, qualifications and submit your project works
6. fix your own price according to quality of jobs
7. You will be paid via checks
8. Trustworthy but competitive
9.  plenty of jobs

23 Ways to Make Money online

Money has always been an issue for many people and you’re not alone. Many people aren’t aware of the many solutions that they can do to possibly earn some extra money. Just get a calculator and you will be astonished at how quickly it all adds up. Earning money can be havoc, especially if you don’t have the time to learn. Here I have accumulated 23 ways you can earn money online right from your computer.

1. Writing Articles Online

      Although at first writing articles online may be hard to accumulated over 1,000 views, it really pays after you are committed. At first you may not have as much views, but after a while, you will make some friends and will slowly build up a community. That thousandsths mark will be easier the next day. Article writing can pay from one to five dollars per thousandths view depending on the site’s pay. Article writing just takes effort and commitment, if you have that, you can start earning.
     Some great examples of article databases who pay are Helium and Associated Contents. Check them out if article writing fits your type of style.

2. Offer to Sell Unneeded Goods Online

     As an another contribution to cleaning our your garage, you can also think about selling your products online through high traffic auction sites like Amazon and Ebay. Although the auction sites may charge a small fee, it is worth the time and effort, especially if you want to clean out that garage and make some extra money on the side.

3. Take Paid Surveys

     We have been talking a lot of paid surveys recently, especially the two we mostly recommend, Opinion Outpost and Synovate. You can join the rest and simply get paid for taking paid surveys too. Surveys usually are about the daily trends and about how you feel about new upcoming products. You can learn more about surveys and how to start earning with our article about The Truth About Paid Surveys.

4. Start Freelancing Online

    Take on short or long projects ranging from many many jobs that can be fulfiled by your own knowledge and expertise in an instant.
5. Offer Coaching Online

     If you have some expertise in any subject, being a salesman, how to earn big with Ebay, how to successfully monetize a site, whatever, you can earn from it just by offering coaching lessons that people can attend to for a small fee. The better your teachings, the more reputable you will become.

6. Leech Jobs Off Craigslist

   Jobs ranging from basically anything that you can attend to, however, just be aware of the many scammers on Craigslist.

7. Making and Monetizing a Blog

      This is basically what I am doing at the moment. To be honest, to start a blog it is rough at first, but equipped with the right monetizing tools and with the right amount of audience, you can earn big from your blog, especially if you have a lot of returning visitors.

8. Join Referral Programs

   Just joining referral programs and referring your friends and family members can easily earn your first hundred. I wouldn’t be surprised if you took it to the next level and started joining affiliate programs to refer people online that you don’t even know. Referral programs can be tremendously effective if you have a large audience to work, however, it may take time to build a large audience.

9. Offer SEO Services Online

   Search engine optimization services can range from just submitting sites to various search engines, as well as offering valid promotions. You can be paid valuable money for lists of dofollow links, resources, and much more. I strongly suggest the Digital Point Forums if you are interested in offering SEO services.

10. Joining the Forex Market

   Although joining the Forex Market may sound a bit risky at first, it is always recommended to do some research. Then it is safe say it is easy to earn from exchanging foreign currencies.

11. Start Your Own Online Store

   Stocking up on merchandises and selling them on your own store front can strongly build up a reputable name for your store, especially if your store front is targeted only at a certain product that many people don’t offer. Making sure that your store is some what more unique and different from the other store fronts, can make your business that much more memorable in terms of branding and getting returning customers.

12. Sell Ebooks

   Selling Ebooks are becoming more and more popular these days, especially with all the networks that companies are offering. Clickbank and many more affiliate marketing monsters are the strongest, must convenient way to earn big with your Ebooks and to easily distribute them around the world for many publishers like me to promote and earn some of the big buck.

13. Sell Digital Photos

   Many Stock photos offer incentives for people to earn from their photos. Basically it is just like ebay, except you name the price of the photo for them to use them legally.

14. Uploading Files

   Many new uploading databases are offering incentives for each thousandths download. Ranging from $5 to $10 per thousandths download depending on how a reputable customer you are.

15. Posting Jobs, Literally

   Whether it be posting on a blog, on Craigslist, or just posting on a forum, it can quickly become an additively boring routine. Generally you earn some cents per post with payouts ranging from $0.10 to $0.20 per post. Once you try this method of earning, you can see how quickly it can become very boring, however, the pay can go substantially over minimum wage depending on how quickly you type quality posts.

16. Join Free Trial Offers That Offer Cash Incentives

   Joining free trial offers that offer cash incentives like how applying for the Visa credit card can earn you $30, can really add up depending on how many offers you do. Just remember, generally free trial offers ask for your credit card, however, to play it safe, it is always a standard procedure to search up reviews of the offer first before posting any valuable information on the web.

17. Offer to Make Websites

   There are many webmasters or I would say small business owners who just simply don’t have the time to learn how to make a website. This is where you can come in and earn some beneficial goodness for something you already mastered. This can easily become one of your side jobs.

18. Write Site Reviews

   There are many sites that offer users certain pay loads for each review they make. Generally it is determined by the length of the review and if it has some personal preference. Writing reviews can easily become an enjoyable part time job if you love trying out new things.

19. Design Logos

   If you are somewhat familiar with Adobe Photoshop or any other image enhancer application to make your job easier, you can easily become a professional logo designer. With the right amount of practice, you can earn from simply $20-$1,000 for each logo you make, however, be aware that there is always competition. Check out 99Designs if logo designing sounds right for you.

20. Create Professional Web Templates

  There are many themes to be made to match every web master’s needs. If you are good at web designing, you can simply earn a lot from just designing web themes. 99Designs is also a great place to find webmasters in need of customize designed web templates.

21. Make Softwares

   Any software that eases the user’s ability on the computer can be issued a price, and if it is a software that everyone is after, it can quickly become big with the right promoting.

22. Make Freebies and Take Generous Donations

   Who says that freebies can’t earn you money. Even if the product may be free, if a customer is pleased, a faction of them will issue donations. Generally Freebies receive more customers than paid services and it can come to show that donations can even out weight sales depending on how pleased the customers are.

23. Sell Your Art Online

   Selling your art to various groups can earn you big, especially if you are good at what you do. If this suits your type of style, I strongly suggest offering to sell copies of your art at Deviant Art.

   Another great resource that I found on how to make money is the Keyword Academy. They will help educate and academically train you to better target keywords in markets that are both competitive and compelling none the less, and will help to guide you to making a substantial number of income with your visitors. I strongly recommend reading their keyword crash course as well.

Adsense is Best

Infact, nobody does hard work for noone. Everybody does hard work for themselves. Nobody use their time to provide true information if they won't gain anything. They should provide true and real informations because that brings their visitor back again and again. That is how they earns from google ads.  Google pays good money for websites. Every time whenever anybody clicks on google ads, the balanced will be credited to the website holder. It pays from $0.05 to $15 per click. The best thing of website creating is this. Once you create good website, put good and real post and got a good traffic, you will start earning automatically. It's hard at first. But once it picks up good traffic, you are free to do other works. You just update weekly that's enough. Thus, every website makers usually do hard works.

           Why does Google pay us such a huge amount to many?

Note: Google is Not just a website.
            1. First Google has capacity to pay
            2. Google is not just a website, it's a multi billion dollar company, it's like a bank
            3. It works as a company such as issues share, pays dividend, people invest.
            4. Next nobody pays us without their benefits
            5. If Google charged $0.25 to $20 per click from advertisers.
            6. It pays us $0.05 to  $5 per click.
            7. Guess how much Google earns from us. ($0.25-$0.05 to $20-$5)
            8. Google net profit from per click $0.20 to $15
            9. Next Google is world famous.
            10. Google collects money from all over the world's advertisers.
            11. Banks, colleges, universities, factories pays high to Google for their advertisements.
            12. Google has huge buildings for office works. Million of employees work there.
            13. Google has easy capacity to pay the salaries to their employees.
            14. We can even buy shares and invest on Google if we want to.
            16. Google is so rich thus has kept own cameras in satellite for google maps
            17. Google is the main boss for web business.

For more information
            Go and search about Google and learn more about Google by yourself.

Donkey Mails

DonkeyMails is a get paid to site that pays you for completing various tasks. You can earn money reading emails, surfing advertiser’s sites, playing games, and signing up for various offers. The site also has a referral system built in to help you earn extra money when your referrals use the site.
Detailed Overview

There are many get paid to sites on the Internet. DonkeyMails is one of those sites that have been around for a while. There’s been a lot of talk about this program in forums and blogs so I’m going to see if the service is legitimate and worth taking part in.
The first thing that stands out is that the payout is extremely low for DonkeyMails. You’ll only need to earn 50 cents in order to get paid out by PerfectMoney, $2.50 for Solidtrustpay, and $1 for Paypal or Alertpay. LibertyReserve payouts have no minimum earning requirements.
I’m not really familiar with the other payment processors besides Paypal and Alertpay. The $1 really makes it a big bonus as most users quit before they reach the minimum payout in other get paid to programs. The site also pays once every 2 weeks which is another plus.
First of all, the main way to earn with DonkeyMails is by reading emails (after you fill out your interests) . The site claims you earn .25 cents per email you read. I was initially in disbelief as I thought it was a quarter but when I looked into this further, I found out that it was actually a fourth of 1 cent. You get around 10 emails per day which can earn you 2-3 cents.
While you can’t earn much by reading emails, you can earn more by click on advertiser ads. You must view them for 30 seconds in order to earn up to 1 cent per view. There are also various offers you can complete in order to earn 10 cents to 10 dollars. This will probably be the best way to earn your money.
I didn’t like the fact that the site pays you so little for clicks. Other legitimate sites pay you half a cent to 1 cent per click but at fourth of a cent, it will take a while for you to earn some half decent money with DonkeyMails. The program does make it up with a referral system. There is a downline system in 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, and 1% across 5 levels deep. Your earnings can really add up with your referrals so you can really build a little residual income by getting a good amount of referrals.
Furthermore, you can upgrade from a basic membership to a baby donkey, small donkey, big donkey, huge donkey, super big donkey, or to a super huge donkey membership. All plans cost you an annual fee and when random visitors come to the site, your referral URL will be randomly inserted. You also get additional banner impressions, an increase in your PTC earnings, and 25 referrals put in your downline depending on the upgrade level.
While earnings are on the low side, there is no problem getting paid out. Many members have gotten their payment without any problem and email inquiries are better than other ‘get paid to’ sites. You can expect a response in 1-3 days.
Note:  If you're on IM Report Card because you're looking for a way to make money online, then you should check out our top recommendation.  It's the best method we've found that anyone can use to earn income online.  Click here to learn more!

In conclusion, DonkeyMails is a great program to earn some extra money on the site. This is one of the few legitimate companies out there and you can see the proof of payments from the members across many forums and blogs. I recommend DonkeyMails if you want to get involved with something in which you can earn some side money.
Domain "Whois"
The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The Whois information for "Donkey Mails" is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.
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